The mission of Savannah Presbytery is to engage, encourage, and resource congregations and members of the presbytery as together we serve Jesus Christ, so that we strengthen the church, equip the saints for ministry and reach beyond ourselves.
Our vision is for each congregation and member of the presbytery to be vital in ministry, supported in meeting existing and emerging needs, and connected in Christ-like ways for shared mission, all to the glory of God.
We are a Matthew 25 Mid-Council
Jesus calls us to serve with and for “the least of these” — not as a group to be pitied, but as people who are deeply loved by Jesus.
- Building congregational vitality by challenging congregations and their members to deepen and energize their faith and grow as joyful leaders and disciples actively engaged with their community, seeing new disciples engaged in ministry and longstanding believers develop in faith as the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared in word and deed.
- Dismantling structural racism by fearlessly applying our faith to advocate and break down the systems, practices, and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice, and oppression of people of color.
- Eradicating systemic poverty by acting on our beliefs and working to change laws, policies, plans, and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.
The Presbytery pursues Six Great Ends with the whole Presbyterian Church (USA):
- the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind.
- the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God,
- the maintenance of divine worship,
- the preservation of the truth,
- the promotion of social righteousness,
- and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
Your Presbytery:
- Nurtures and supports churches and ministers through frequent personal contact, particularly during times of special need;
- Initiates and encourages communication with and among congregations;
- Provides training opportunities and resources for Christian Education and Youth;
- Provides opportunities for spiritual growth;
- Provides opportunities for Christian service;
- Enables broad participation in the life and work of the Presbytery insuring inclusive representation;
- Provides lay leadership training;
- Develops plans for New Church Development and Congregational Revitalization;
- Promotes faithful stewardship;
- Is accountable for sound financial management.
Savannah Presbytery functions through its stated and special meetings, its Council, its officers, its staff and its committees and agencies which propose programs to the Presbytery and executes those approved by the Presbytery.
Your Church and Savannah Presbytery need YOU!!! Serve the Lord by sharing your time, talents and treasures.
Co-Director Leadership Team Organizational Chart:
Rev. Deanie Strength, Savannah Presbytery
(800) 616-3671 EXT: 702
Associate Stated Clerk/Parliamentarian
Rev. Andy Meeker, Wilmington Island
(800) 616-3671 EXT: 700
Together oversee operational side of Presbytery including administration, finances, and property.
- Staff:
Ann Henderson, First Statesboro, Treasurer
Christelle Giovannini, Accountant
Jaclyn Beeler, Communications Coordinator jbeeler@savannahpresbytery.org
Marlo Harris, Washington Street, Hybrid Meeting Coordinator
mharris14@hotmail.com - Trustees
Rev. Andy Meeker, Wilmington Island
Associate Stated Clerk - Presbytery Council
Rev. Mark George, Metter, Chair - Stewardship & Finance
Rev. Doug Craven, Honorably Retired, Chair - Nominating Committee
Omar Douglass, Brunswick Second, Chair - Personnel Committee
Doty Dunn, First Statesboro, Chair - Committee on Representation
Odet Douglass, Brunswick Second, Chair - Permanent Judicial Commission
Laurel McKeith, Skidaway, Chair
Rev. Rick Douylliez, First St. Marys
(800) 616-3671 EXT: 701
Works with pastors and churches, supporting and guiding, especially in times of transition and crisis.
- Committee on Ministry
Rev. Jon Hauerwas, Skidaway and
Judy Walker, Wilmington Island, Co-Chairs - Committee on Preparation for Ministry
Rev. Stephen Robertson, Butler Memorial, Chair - Church Leadership Connection (CLC)
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
- Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children
Marty Susie, Wilmington Island
(800) 616-3671 EXT: 703
Works with and resources the mission & programming and oversees communications within the presbytery.
- Education & Training Ministry Team
Rev. Cathy Belles, Henry Memorial - School of the Laity
Bain Head, St. Saint Simons, Chair - Faith Enrichment Conference
Shantell Robertson, Butler Memorial, 2024 Director - Summer Camp
CRE Jimmy Griffin, First Brunswick, Director - Montreat Youth Conferences
Susan Parrish, First Statesboro, Coordinator - Mission Committee
CRE Jimmy Griffin, First Brunswick, Chair - Matthew 25 Task Force
Rev. Deanie Strength, Contact - Racial Justice Ministry Team
Rev. Taylor L. G. Hartman, First Statesboro, Chair
- M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Committee
Ed Torgersen, First St. Marys, Chair
Cathy Douylliez, M.K.P Ecology Fund Coordinator