Darkness to Light Training

Children and Youth Protection Policy Statement

It is the policy of Savannah Presbytery (SP) that the General Presbyter/Stated Clerk, all minister members of SP, staff and volunteers of SP, maintain the integrity of the ministerial, employment, professional and volunteer relationships which reflect the high calling of membership in the Church of Jesus Christ. Sexual misconduct is not only a violation of the principles set forth in scripture, but also of the ministerial employment, professional relationship, and volunteer service expected in the Church, and is never permissible, tolerated or acceptable.

The SC/GP, all minister members, Presbytery staff and volunteers interacting with children and youth must complete training on preventing child and youth abuse at least every three (3) years.

For any questions please contact Rev. Deanie Strength, Stated Clerk and Director of Administration, deaniestrength@savannahpresbytery.org