Presbytery Meetings
Winter Stated Meeting
Friday, February 21, 2025 at Jekyll Presbyterian Community Church
Meeting to follow Noon Lunch
For those who plan to eat lunch at Noon, please be courteous to our host and register for lunch by Monday, February 17.

Future Meeting Dates:
- Spring 2025 – Tuesday, May 20
Meeting to follow 11 am lunch
Location TBD - Fall 2025 – Date and time TBD
Wilmington Island Presbyterian Church, Savannah
Savannah Presbytery is made up of all congregations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) located within the geographical bounds of Savannah Presbytery except any congregations which are members of non-geographic presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
The presbytery meets in person at least three times per year, usually in October, February, and May. The location of presbytery meetings ordinarily rotates among the different churches. A Zoom option is available when the Wi-Fi and technological system of the host church allow for it. A quorum for a meeting of the presbytery consists of one-quarter of the minister members of the presbytery plus ruling elder commissioners from one quarter of the member congregations of the presbytery.