October 15, 2024 Presbytery Meeting Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Church or Ministry(Required) Role(Required)Select OneMinister Member (Clergy) of Savannah Presbytery (Voting)Ruling Elder Commissioner for a Savannah Presbytery Congregation (Voting)Commissioned Ruling Elder(CRE) or Commissioned Lay Pastor(CLP) in a ministry validated by Savannah Presbytery (Voting)Ruling Elder on the Savannah Presbytery Council (VotingChristian Educator certified by APCE who is also a Ruling Elder (Voting)Visitor (No Vote)Will you be having lunch? Lunch is $15, payable to Henry Memorial Presbyterian Church. Cash preferred.(Required) No Lunch Lunch (vegetarian options available) Those needing gluten or dairy free meals should email, Pastor Cathy Belles: bellescatherine@gmail.comEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.