Go Green! Grants

The Go Green! Grant was created by the M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Committee whose mission is to promote and support ecological stewardship of natural resources. We believe that the church has a responsibility for protecting God’s creation, seeking environmental justice, encouraging conservation, promoting education, and restoring eco-systems.

Savannah Presbytery’s M. K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Go Green! grants may be awarded to member churches of Savannah Presbytery who are undertaking projects within the life of their congregation that support the presbytery’s ministry of environmental justice and ecological stewardship of natural resources by attempting to make their church facilities “green”.

In general, these funds are to be used for the sound stewardship practices of conservation in our everyday activities so that the church’s ministry and response to ecological justice and stewardship of natural resources can be maintained.

The application deadline is April 1 each year.

Grant applications are available in ms word and pdf formats:

Go Green Grant Application and Guidelines – Word

Go Green Grant Application and Guidelines – PDF

View sample grants from previous years.

If you would like to brainstorm ideas for your church, contact Cathy Douylliez, MK Pentecost Ecology Fund Coordinator at mkpfund@savannahpresbytery.org.