M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Grants
M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Grants – Non-Profits & Students
Savannah Presbytery has been given the honor of overseeing a trust established to promote stewardship of creation and environmental justice in the Southeastern United States. Grants from the trust are awarded to students and organizations whose work falls under the provisions and guidelines of the trust. There are separate and different applications for nonprofits and for students. All applications are due April 1 of each year. The grant maximum for students is $2000 and for nonprofits is $2500.
Student Grant Application and guidelines
Students will be evaluated on their ability to write a summary of their proposal that non-scientists can easily understand. They should also be clear about how they anticipate the science of their project can positively impact coastal conservation efforts. An example of an excellent lay-summary is included here for your information and guidance: General Audience Summary Sample
Nonprofit Grant Application and Guidelines
Nonprofits preparing a grant proposal should read the information below.
The M.K. Pentecost Ecology Trust Fund awards annual grants to organizations whose work fulfills the mission and provisions of the Grant. The Grant is administered by Savannah Presbytery’s M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Committee and its Coordinator. The Fund was established by Mr. M.K. Pentecost, Jr. to enable: “the presbytery’s ministry of environmental justice and ecological stewardship of natural resources including marine and wild life. The funds are to be used for promoting the support of conservation efforts, education, and studies in key environmental issues of endangered ecosystems and ecological projects which are approved by the presbytery.” The mission of the M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Committee of Savannah Presbytery is to promote and support ecological stewardship of natural resources. We believe that the church has a responsibility for protecting God’s creation, seeking environmental justice, encouraging conservation, promoting education and restoring the eco-system. This exciting and challenging mission is grounded in our faith teaching that we are the stewards of God’s creation. As the psalmist tells us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” (Psalm 2:4). We, as God’s people, are to care for the whole of creation
Savannah Presbytery’s M.K. Pentecost Ecology Trust Fund has its origins in the generosity and vision of Atlanta attorney and Presbyterian Elder, M.K. Pentecost, Jr. He served the Presbyterian Church USA as Executive of the Presbytery of Georgia and on the staff of Greater Atlanta Presbytery during the 1980s and early 1990s. He loved the church and revered Georgia’s coastal beauty with its intrinsic restorative ability. This prompted him to establish a Charitable Remainder Unitrust with the Presbyterian Foundation to perpetuate responsible ecological stewardship in our coastal region.
Grants are awarded once a year to organizations whose projects benefit the citizens and ecosystems within the stated area of the Synod of South Atlantic of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The grants can be no more than $2,500 per nonprofit recipient and $2,000 per student researcher. There are strict guidelines on how the funds are to be used. All applications are due in the Savannah Presbytery Office on or before April 1 of each year. Grant awards are decided by the Committee each May. Recipients receive their award letter and check after the May meeting. All grant recipients are required to report their progress to the Committee the following November.
Applications are available at the beginning of each year. The deadline for applying is April 1 of the respective year.
Please note that there are separate and different applications for nonprofits and for students.
If you need further assistance, please contact MKP Coordinator, Cathy Douylliez at mkpfund@savannahpresbytery.org.
Grant recipients are required to report in November of the year they receive the grant. At that time, they can submit either a final grant report or a progress report. If they submit a progress report, then a final report will be due at the time the project is completed.
Forms can be found here.
Grant Report Form Progress Report – nonprofit
Grant Report Form Final Report – nonprofit
Students, be aware that your reporting requires a press release about your project. A good sample of lay level writing can be found in the General Audience Summary Sample and the requirement is now that it be presented as a press release appropriate for newsletters, blogs, and newspapers.