Racial Justice

Following the murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia, on February 23, 2020, the Savannah and Greater Atlanta Presbyteries, feeling strongly that God was calling us to respond, collaborated to create a joint statement. It was then that Savannah Presbytery formed a Racial Justice Ministry Team (RJMT) to begin the work of unpacking their own biases and of learning more about racial injustices and inequities while simultaneously making a commitment to educate and activate our membership to become models for inclusive, anti-racist, and multicultural places of worship and living.

Through activities designed to meet people where they are and provide opportunities for education, conversation, and action, the RJMT encourages all members and friends of Savannah Presbytery to join us as followers of Jesus Christ to create the beloved community where God’s vision for a world in which all can flourish as God’s children is realized and all are loved for who they are.

Upcoming Opportunities

Engage with us in the planning and implementation of education and action events on the second Monday of each month from 3:30 -4:30 PM via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link, email your request to MSusie1@savannahprsbytery.org.

Devotions &
Our Journey